DevOps Engineer, SRE Learning Path

Posted On 08 lug 2020
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DevOps aims to solve this by introducing a more cohesive cooperation between developers and operation engineers and also by overlapping responsibilities. This idea pits two teams against each other, one with an ultimate goal of stability, the other with an ultimate goal of change.

devops engineer

Overall, here is what you should know about Devops engineers day to day work. There is a misconception about “DevOps Engineers” thinking they are responsible for everything. When it comes to the application delivery lifecycle, there are three important concepts you need to be aware of. You can start with Github or Bitbucket as your remote code repository.

Puppet Tutorial – DevOps Tool For Configuration Management

DevOps inherited a lot of the practices applied to manufacturing in companies like Toyota to produce better vehicles faster and more efficiently. Lean, as the name suggests, is all about keeping your process simple and not creating waste. It is worth familiarising yourself with this and value stream mapping and applying it to your own work. You don’t have to be the life of the party, but some basic people skills go a long way when dealing with colleagues. I purposely didn’t mention security until the end because I want you to think of it as essential as air and keep it in mind for absolutely everything that you do. Container orchestrators allow you to run containers across one or multiple servers and scale your workloads horizontally.

  • Additionally, it is important to create a company culture that is supportive of DevOps principles and practices.
  • The purpose of such roles is to ensure that any new application software being released into production meets quality and security standards and has the appropriate management approvals.
  • Furthermore, it might be difficult to determine when someone is focusing more on one of these roles than on the other, making it difficult to distinguish between the two roles themselves.
  • You can connect with people in the industry and understand how it is done in their organization.
  • See below for a few punchy definitions and some helpful analogies to help you tell your DevOps story.

Depending on the programming language, different tools are needed to do such static code analysis. The software composition is analyzed, especially libraries and their versions are checked against vulnerability lists published by CERT and other expert groups.

Trending Courses in DevOps

Once you’ve gotten your core technical skills down, then you can proceed to become more familiar with the tools and practices specifically used in DevOps how to become a devops engineer roles. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but they are the most common skills and topics you are most likely to encounter in most DevOps roles.

devops engineer

Chiara Amendola
"Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, for your sisters and brothers, leave all your loving, your loving behind, You cant carry it with you if you want to survive". (Florence + The Machine - Dog Days are over)